Just an update on how the official training regime is going! So we have started our 0n1ydan5 training program, raising money for Refuge! We ran: 7.5km Tuesday Easy Run Tuesday was just a back and forth along tarmac. My average…
0n1ydan5 for Refuge UK
After breaking my collarbone in two places the only way to recover is sign up for two marathons in one month to raise money for Refuge UK. So the really short version of this is sponsor me here to run…
It’s been a while!
A year has passed since my last post and a lot has happened! Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been a long time! Basically I’ve been out of action for a year while I recovered from breaking my collarbone in two places!…
The Anatomy of a Hack: 24hrs in DevSecOps ER.
Going back to the 26th April when I had a wonderful time speaking at DevOpsDays Geneva and was able to speak there too.
Quantum Jumps In Cryptography and Computing
My final talk while working for Sonatype on quantum computing at Devoxx Greece is up!
One door closes another one opens
A forced farewell at Sonatype means a massively awesome hello to Trustpilot
ID Cyber Sessions
I get to talk about participating and judging various Tracelabs CTFs and perhaps you might want to give it a go too.
London Marathon 2023
The day is finally here! I actually ran 42km and I have a LOT to say on it! Stick with us for this ride and find out how bad I felt before heading to Geneva the next morning!
OpenUK State of Open The UK in 2023, Phase One
The OpenUK State of Open, The UK in 2023 Phase One report is now out!
BSides Lancashire
I go up t’North to talk about Removing Damn Vulnerable Code, DJ for Cyber House Party and experience the beauty that is butter pie! We don’t do owt by halves!