Just an update on how the official training regime is going!
So we have started our 0n1ydan5 training program, raising money for Refuge!
We ran:
- 7.5km Easy Run on Tuesday
- 7km On Off 200s Tempo run on Wednesday
- 12km Rolling Long Run on Saturday.
7.5km Tuesday Easy Run
Tuesday was just a back and forth along tarmac. My average pace was 8:32/km and took 1:04:08. For comparison this was only 5 mins quicker than my pre accident 10km time.
Hopefully with more training things will get better.
7km Wednesday On Off 200s Tempo Run
Tempo runs are to get your pulse racing to, eventually, mean you can run faster. Initially you are meant to run 2km no faster than 8:05/km, then do a series of 200m at 7:05/km and 200m at 8:05/km 10 times. Then a 1km cool down lap.
The timings went out the window a bit and did a lot faster on the warm up and struggled getting to 7:05/km on those 200m.I dropped to a 9:53/km on the cool down 1k – eek!
12km Saturday Rolling Long Run
I really enjoyed this run along the South Downs and then along the beach on the way back! It took 1:42:08 which is something to improve but not horrific considering the beginning of the week! My average pace was 8:30/km which is a good base.
There were some beautiful views and I even got to see some zebras, as you’ll see in the photos below!!!

So all in all a good week! Now time for Week 2! Remember to donate if you can too by clicking here! Thanks!
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