Well ya gotta start somewhere! Let’s have an introduction!
Wow! Here is my first blog post! Eek!
I’ve wanted to do one of these for a while but never got round to it. Either I’ve thought I didn’t have anything worth writing about, and when I did then I didn’t have the time! Strange world hey?!
Originally I was gonna put this on my own website but that involved building my own website. That hasn’t gone too well as after coding for 8hrs each day, sometimes I just fancy doing other things, as hopefully will be clear from this blog.
So….. What should you expect?
Crikey! Hopefully not a disastrously low bar, but probably not the best blog ever, or even remotely close to that. A lot of this space will be me rambling like this about fitness, food and drink, infosec related stuff, or code related stuff. There might be some music stuff from time to time, and some of my other interests too (I have a lot of interests, sorry)!
I’ll try and tag posts by category so you know what is relevant to you and if I’m gonna try and post about some talks and stuff I’ve done in the past to perhaps add clarity or additional thoughts.
A little about me, my name is Dan Conn and although I’ve been coding as a hobby since I was 14, I’ve only been writing code professionally for 10 years but have used Python, Java, Ruby, the dreaded (PHP), Ruby, Objective C, Bash, and many more languages in that time. I’m currently studying an MSc in Advanced Security and Digital Forensics with Edinburgh Napier. My current interests have been around OSINT, cryptography, malware analysis and secure coding in that area.
During the day I work at a cybersecurity company called Mimecast as a developer but also as a Security Champion. I like to engage in threat modelling activities, malware analysis and coding solutions to prevent malware ridden emails from getting ingested.
Since COVID I took up running and although I’m not that keen on the actual run, I love taking to the South Downs near where I live in Brighton or heading along the beach and taking in those views while I run. I also love to eat and drink! In a life previous to coding I DJ’d full time and although wasn’t Top 200 good, I managed to earn a proper living from it at some point till my mid 20s!
I guess from that little intro you know what to expect from this blog and hopefully these are things that you either find interesting or useful!
Anyhow, that’s it for now! A little intro and hopefully not the only thing I ever post on here!
Till the next time amigos!

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