An act of love
So I’ve been meaning to get on and build my own website for ages. I’ve owned the domain for quite some time but just have not had the time nor inclination to get a good website sorted.
The other thing is that although I can code frontend fairly OK, there is a reason I’ve predominantly been a backend coder! Graphics design and how a website should look has not been my forte – ever! I can follow instructions but sadly I’m not great at coming up with designs (unless it’s architecture of systems, of course)!
Well, the thing about The Beautiful One is that not only does she have a PhD in something I just know as “x-ray biochemistry” but is much more complicated than that, but when we first met she was a UX designer at the company we both worked at and is an excellent designer!
She has spent the part month building this beautiful design which I can’t wait to put into action.

One thing that I thoroughly recommend is a service called Figma which is what was used to prototype and wireframe ideas. It was incredibly useful in the ideation process and also means I have some basic CSS that I can tweak but most importantly get fonts and colours bang on when I code it properly!
Once I have something worth sharing code wise I’ll put it on my GitHub as Project Fancypants! Hopefully it will be done quicker than 5 years but who knows! I’m a terrible procrastinator!
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